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Dr Monica Henry: TeamMember

General Practitioner

Dr Monica Henry


Dr Monica Henry practises Holistic Medicine.
A practitioner for over 40 years she has experience with a wide range of conditions. The Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) is used exclusively in the consultation to diagnose sensitivities and determine deficiencies. The VAS is a non invasive pulse test based on the work of Dr Paul Nogier, a French Neurologist in the 1950s. It can be used to detect sensitivities to any substances, such as foods, chemicals, environmental agents and pharmaceuticals.

Dr Henry experienced first hand the dramatic turnaround in the health of her infant son in the mid 80s. Josh had eczema, recurrent ear infections, loose bowel motions, constant catarrh and at 18mths was admitted to hospital with life threatening asthma. Simply removing a few foods from his diet was very effective. This led her to a re-evaluate the way she practised Medicine. She began to look for the underlying causes of illness and was encouraged by her success.

Now many, many years later Monica has learnt to identify a multitude of underlying causes and is passionate about helping her patients regain optimal health and well being.
Monica is a graduate of the University of Tasmania. She practised on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria for 20 years before returning to Tasmania in 2009. She now lives on the beautiful Tasman Peninsula, off the grid!

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Holistic Medical Practitioner
Food, Chemical and Environmental sensitivity testing
Herbal Medicine
Nutritional Supplements
Lifestyle advice

Dr Henry: Fees

Initial consultations are 1 hour, follow up consultations are 30 minutes unless otherwise advised by Dr. Henry


To make an appointment call (03) 6224 6717. 

Book Online
Medicare Rebate
30 min
15 min
45 min
1 hour
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